Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Thoughts while dreamy-eyed

It's never just a dream.
I believe that i dream is something that's part of reality,
something that may have happened in the past,
something that will happen in the future,
or something that happened in your own little world,
while you refuse to accept the present situation.
So even behind its dark sunglasses,
the world still recognizes your dreams.
It still acknowledges the fact that you're not only living
this physical life, this work-hard-play-even-harder,
dog-eat-dog, shit-where-you-eat life.
It looks inside you, and it knows you deep down.
It doesn't cooperate much, that's for sure.
But your dreams don't always have to agree with the world.
And that's fine.
Dream wildly, freely, like the world and its boundaries
do not even exist, like there are no limits to your life,
like only you care, and other people's opinions are
the villain in your dream.
Oh yeah the villains.
They make dreams more exciting,
like the button-eyed pseudo parents in Coraline.
Like Hatsumomo in Geisha.
Like Zeena in other people's dreams,
like other people in Zeena's dreams.
Keep on dreaming anyway.

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