Thursday, October 12, 2006


Now that the Dubai weather is kinder, I love going out into the front yard to sit and show my fat ugly face to the equally fat ugly cats in the compound. Of course I'd been ashamed to do that since Craig started bringing hookers to our dear villa, until I finally had the chance to talk about this irritating subject.
I asked him to have a cigarette with me, and that order was a long shot, since 90% of the time an Aussie would choose surfing over smoking. But surprisingly he said yes and that's when I had the chance to question his behavior.
For a good five minutes we talked, and said he loved his wife, and he wasn't lying to anyone, and we shrugged off the topic.

So last night I was chatting with my Jen in our room when he sent me a text message saying he wanted to have a smoke with me before he went out.I went downstairs with my face green -- literally --- with all that tea tree gunk I like putting on my face when I'm idle.
We sat comfortably and lit our fags, and his first words upon sitting were, "Men are bastards."
I replied in a heartbeat, "Aren't they."
He said of course there are good men, and he doesn't consider himself a bad man, yet he turns into a bastard from time to time. And attempting to make a joke, he said, "Did you know that men have two brains?"
I looked at him, disgusted that he thought I was born yesterday. How could I not know.
I replied, "Yeah, and only enough blood to run one at a time."
Thank God to that dude who said.
To make the mood even lighter, I asked him how much he pays for the good loving he gets.FYI, it's AED 300 (usually Chinese) to AED 500 (Russian).

Well I was having coffee with this guy named Nabil the other day and he mentioned that he loved wrestling.He said it was the oldest sport in the world.I tried to reconcile that with the fact that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world.Those Romans were very very lucky.When they weren't killing each other, they were having sex.

Well that was such an ancient civilization and naturally, we women expect better from guys at present.But I wouldn't mind having another smoke with Craig, just for kicks. See if he gets ripped off again by Russians.

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