Thursday, September 14, 2006

Mr. Cab Driver

Cab drivers in Dubai tick me off bigtime.
Three reasons (and counting)...

1. I NEVER understand what they're trying to say within the first minute of the trip.

2. They ALWAYS take the long way to wherever I am going. For them, traffic jam is a must.

3. They ask if I'm married, and when I freak out and say "no way, no how, not ever", they convince me that marriage is the ultimate goal of each person's life. As they say, "husband may have other girlfriend, but this is life my dear, krezi!". And if I say one more word relevant to finding happiness in being single, then I get a free prediction of my future: I will live miserably, alone, decay in a small box called Zeena's apartment, and be so lonely I forget to change my knickers for months. If I hear this from a cab driver again I'm going to think I deserve it.

Next time I'll walk, thank you very much.

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