Monday, September 18, 2006

long day, zero balance

I like Dubai, but this is crazy.
I went to Al Qusais this morning, which is like Katipunan to Lagro.
I had trouble finding the Philippines Consulate, where I had to have my passport renewed.
When I finally did I was smelly and disoriented, but managed to get it done.
Then went to work in Media City, finished at 6PM,
went to my good friend to borrow money (yeah I know, I'll pay, yeah?),
then we went straight to Karama to claim my passport (just claimed it really, the kind of hi-and-bye meeting I really hate).
Our last stop was on Maktoum Road, at the travel agency, to work on our visas.
And so today I must have spent 450 AED, which is nothing to others really,
but it's almost 7000 Pesos, so when you put it that way it can really make me weak in the heart.
But the journey doesn't stop there.
Tomorrow we're going to Iran for visa run, and hopefully we get out of there as soon as possible, or else we'll have to spend more.
So much more that this week I must have spent enough money to feed ten Filipino families for a week. Now when put it that way it really sounds like I'm shitting everywhere.
I'll fix this soon, I proooooooooooooomise!

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