Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Last night was a nice evening.
I arrived at home at around 6 PM, and nobody was there yet.
I went upstairs to rest awhile and read a magazine while enjoying my apple-lemon juice in bed. Interesting stuff about Suri Cruise and Carmen Elektra. Not.

I suddenly had the urge to make something for dinner, so I went downstairs and started to out together a decent meal. Chicken, mushrooms, peas, garlic, lotsa pepper, and vinegar. Plus a slice of pear for dessert.
I ate my Zeena-made dinner while watching Joey (that sitcom that stars Joey from Friends), and oddly, I don't remember ever feeling that peaceful in Dubai.

I tried to prolong the zen I had accidentally created by taking a walk around our neighborhood. I promised to do ten rounds, but after the first round I saw a dog and had I continued walking, I swear his hungry fangs would go after me. My thighs in particular.
So after just one and a half lousy rounds I headed straight to the bathroom to shower, and before going to bed I read a few pages of Memoirs of a Geisha.

Incidentally, I was already in the part where Sayuri goes back to being a geisha after the war. During the war, she had no choice but to abandon Gion to work for a wealthy family, making dyes for kimono. After the war, she rose again from being a peasant to what she had always loved doing. Back in Gion, back to being a glamorous Geisha, but never the same again.

I think I am in that point in my life.
Just a few more days or weeks and I will live my hey days again. This is exactly why I think I can be a legend like Sayuri, and I will live to tell my story when I'm 50 plus.

I am on my way to complete independence, and I am hoping that with that independence come peace of mind and happiness.

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