Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good things

Do you agree that all good things come to an end?
If they do, maybe they're not really good.
Maybe you're made to believe that they are,
so you'd have a hard time getting over them.
Maybe you're just trying to make them good,
otherwise you'd have nothing at all.
Think about it.
Good things never end.
Like friendships, however far you are from each other.
Like family, however different your views are.
Good things never end.
They may be interrupted, or a little delayed,
or a little slow in progress,
but to say goodbye is to say "I don't really like this."
So I'm never saying goodbye to things and places and people
that I know are good for me.
Yeah, maybe some things are really worth the wait.
But while I wait, I must remember that there are lots of other good thing also waiting for me.
Wow good things really never end.
Bring them on!

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