Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Ever felt sooo bored you wish your boss would fire you?
Sometimes I just want to see what happens if I ignite any sort of conflict at work. Perhaps I can set the washroom on fire or microwave a huge stinking piece of shit at lunch time.

Last night it was fun spending time in my room, alone, writing in my blog and journal, listening to old rock tunes, having a cigarette by the window and gazing at the spectacular Fairmont HOtel which changes colors every two minutes. Pink, white, green, purple.

Yesterday in the bathroom I was trying to take a dump (I am eternally constipated --- thank you for that info Zeena!), with a cigarette in between my fingers in one hand and a Breezer in the other. Then I realized that I couldn't do anything at home without a bottle of Breezer or a glass of wine in hand. I do my laundry, have my dinner, watch shitty shows on Colin's fabulous TV, laze about in the bath tub, tidy up our room, try to cook... with any alcoholic drink I can find. I drink to celebrate, to ease boredom, to drown in my sorrows, to sleep, to stay awake, to have excuse to do stupid things. I drink drink drink, like there's no tomorrow! Wanna have a few bottles with me?

Yesterday I my carlift driver Omar picked me up at work at exactly 5 PM. It was part of his routine to go around Media CIty, INternet City and Knowledge VIllage to seek potential passengers before going home. THat was also an advantage for me, since more passengers meant a huge discount for me. He said I was unlucky, because whenever I rode with him he couldn't find other passengers. So yesterday I kept my fingers crossed, and passing Al Wasl Road one Pinay hopped in, and we went to pick up another Pinay, and two bus stops later, we were packed as two Pinays and one Nepalese joined us. I enjoyed listening to their stories, and enjoyed having to pay Omar only 5 Dirhams. Yahoo!

I want to lose 4 kg. So help me God.
I am badly missing all my friends and wishing they'd email me and tell me all about their lives.
I can't wait to see the stuff Mama sent me. I hope they're good ones. A pair of sandals from Bangkok and a necklace...
I noticed last night that my skin had become dry.
Not only my skin. My mouth.
My humor.

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