Thursday, January 18, 2007

what everyone SERIOUSLY needs

This is an article from
I particularly loved this.
It's not just one of those articles that tell me how to unwind, and instead of actually feeling more relaxed I end up feeling more stressed out.
Most of them give me really ridiculous tips, like fill your tub with rose petals and bathe sensually. Or climb a mountain and stay there for a whole weekend.
This article offers DOABLE things, things that I can do whenever, wherever, in the comfort of my room, and without having to fuss about anything else. Nothing to buy, nothing to spend on.
And I've done most of the stuff here and it really works.

20 ways to unwind - stress reduction
Ebony, July, 1994 by Karima A. Haynes

To battle the negative effects of stress that we experience, here are 20 stressbusters that are sure to relieve the tension in our lives.

1. STOP, STRETCH AND RELAX. Exercise where you are. Roll your head and shoulders, stretch your arms over your head or squeeze a tennis ball. Consider starting a regular exercise program to help you keep stress at bay over the long haul.
2. MEDITATE AND CONTEMPLATE. Recite a mantra, speak positive affirmations or say a prayer to help you take your mind off the stressful situation.
3. TALK IT OUT. Get anger, fear and worry off your chest by confiding in a person you trust.
4. TAKE LEISURELY A DIP IN THE BATHTUB. A hot soak can do wonders to reduce stress, increase blood circulation to the extremities and relax tense muscles.
5. PAMPER YOURSELF Get a new hairstyle, a manicure or a pedicure. A little pampering can go a long way to reduce stress.
6. SHOP AWAY THE STRESS. A new purchase will give your spirit a boost as long as you don't overspend.
7. MASSAGE THOSE ACHING MUSCLES. Whether at the hands of a professional masseuse or those of a close friend, a good rub down can relax knotted muscles.
"During a massage, one of the things that happens is that the toxic substances are worked out through the lymph nodes," says Dr. Juanita Doss, a clinical psychologist from suburban Detroit. "When your body is under a tremendous amount of stress you accumulate a lot of hormones that weaken the body's resistance to disease. A massage is both relaxing and therapeutic."
8. RUB YOUR TEMPLES. Massaging the nerves in your temples relaxes tension in your neck muscles.
9. APPLY A WARM COMPRESS TO YOUR EYES. The radiant warmth from the compress will relax the tired muscles around your eyes.
10. READ TO RELAX. What better way to get away from the pressures of the day than by retreating into the world of your imagination?
11. TAKE A BRISK WALK. Get up and go for a quick jaunt. Schedule a routine workout that includes power walking or stair climbing.
12. TAKE A SOOTHING SIESTA. Chronic lack of sleep can lower your productivity and decrease your ability to handle stress.
13. JUST SAY NO TO STRESSFUL PEOPLE. Stay away from people who never seem to have anything good to say about anything.
14. SEEK SUPPORTIVE PEOPLE. Call that special friend or family member. Make a date to get together and keep it.
"Support is one of the key things in helping people to handle their stress," Dr. Doss points out. "As a supportive friend ... you don't have to give any comments or suggestions, but quietly listen to the person who is under stress as he or she talks it out."
15. STOP PROCRASTINATING! Make a list of things to do, arrange them by priority and then do them!
16. TUNE IN SOFT MUSIC. Mellow music can soothe you after a tough day at the office.
17. LISTEN TO NATURE'S SOUNDS. A pre-recorded tape of natural sounds can help you to unwind.
18. CRY IT OUT. A good sob can provide a release from the negative emotions that may be the source of your stress.
19. ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE. Think about the good things that are going on in your life and avoid obsessing about the things that aren't going so well.
20. VACATION IN YOUR MIND. Close your eyes and imagine that you are relaxing on a tropical beach.
"As your mind goes, so goes your body," Dr. Evans says. "You can change your physiological state simply by changing your mental state."

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