Monday, January 01, 2007

no strangers

Jen, Obet, Sherry, Mai, Arvin and I were invited to a New Year's party in a Bur Dubai flat. Xurness, a fellow UP alumnus, and his event were fabulous.
There was unlimited booze, champagne most importantly.
And they gave each of us a mask, a torotot and a party popper, so by midnight we were all making noise and having our pictures taken and shouting happy New Year.
Then there was karaoke. The nice part was, we danced with some people we never ever met.
We'd never even sat down and talked to Xurness before this party.
We were so glad we came. Thanks for this, X!

And then Jen, Sherry and I went to the Fairmont to have tea and freaking creme brulee. They're angels. They kept me company until Guillaume and his friend came.
Jen and Sherry left and the guys were a bit disappointed because there was no champagne or wine. It was 4 AM and Cascades only served drinks til 3.
So I invited them to our place, where ever-dependable Breezers were waiting for us, and we had a nice chat.
They're planning to expand their crepe business, and though I must hate crepe because of its evil calorie content, I like the crepe men (especially Guillaume). And therefore I love their crepe. I don't need to eat them all the time do I?

It was an unusual new year's eve and morning for me.
Aside from my dear friends I spent them with what you would call almost complete strangers, but they were warm and friendly and fun like friends I've known for years.

Do we keep the friendship? Are there more parties to attend? Are there more crepes to eat and nice conversations to look forward to? I guess I'll never know.
But I've proven one thing --- there are no strangers in this world if you choose not to be a stranger yourself. So let me be a friend of everyone, and who knows what's in store for me in 2007?

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