Sunday, January 28, 2007

that time of the month again

One, two, three.

I am in tears and I don’t even know why.
Too much fun perhaps?
I’d like to think this emotional outburst is just an indication that my time of the month is just around the corner.
Hormones. Stress.
Everyday I’ve been busy with work, with friends, with being with other people and I just find it so hard to be alone lately.

And now I feel like crying for no apparent reason.
Actually I already started to cry but held it back.
A tear fell down my cheek and I started to yawn and pretend to just be sleepy.

I was wearing my extra-large pajamas when Guillaume came over.
No, I didn’t bother to put any make up on or spray Coconut Lime Verbana all over the room. I was enthusiastic as usual, but also addressed some issues.
He was very responsive, which was a positive thing.
We were just both tired last night, I guess. We need to not see each other for two, three days.
Or a thousand crepes later.

Also The Devil called me from London today and I greeted him a happy birthday.
I playfully call him The Devil, but in more ways than one he has been an angel and I don’t think I can contest that fact.
It’s nice to know that I have a friend in him.

To assuage my loneliness I tried to finish a carton of pure orange juice and succeeded, then went on to attempt finishing a carton of lowfat milk but felt nauseous after the first glass. Tried to smoke as less as possible and succeeded, but still feel sluggish and irritable. Must really be my time of the month.

I hope that tomorrow something nice happens, something I’ve been waiting for.
If that time comes I’ll take myself out to dinner.
Maybe invite Guillaume. Depends.

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