Saturday, August 05, 2006


I was reading an email from one of my closest friends in the Philippines. She was so excited to move into their new apartment with my other close friends. I guess it's much better than the one they had before, and no doubt about it, they'll have lots of fun living together.I bet now that they're alraedy finished with moving their stuff and furnishing their humble abode, they're shopping for groceries. Then they'll probably have a cute makeshift lounge, like beanbags and throw pillows, and they'll gossip until the break of dawn, until it's time to go to work again. It's funny because they live near a church, and one of them said that living in a place landmarked by a place of worship would make them guilty to fornicate.

Well, I'd love to live near a place of worship. Never mind fornication, I am very sure I can live without that (though not forever). I think living near a church would bring me peace of mind. From where I used to live, the church was a convenient 5-minute walk. And whenever I felt troubled, volatile, and extremely weak, I would stay in the praying room and stare at the Blessed Sacrament, telling it about how I felt. Sometimes I cried, sometimes I just looked like an idiot, with a poker face and an old tired body.

Now I there is no church in sight and I really miss the feel of being in one. I miss kindness and solitude and peace of mind and all the other good things I feel when I am in His house. In His house, there are no conditions to feeling good. And that's really what I need right now.

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