Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Dubai Eye

Dubai is black and white.
What I see is what I get.
The buildings, the gold, the attractions, the signature brands, the bars, the locals floating around, the white people strutting everywhere, and all the other races crawling around on pavements.
Business, luxury, pleasure, recreating Europe for a cheaper price.

Dubai is black OR white.
It's either I'm ridiculously happy or completely miserable. I can't be "steady lang" and watch TV without thinking of anything else.
I cook either because I'm so sad I need to feel that there is something happening in my life, or I'm so happy I want to feed everyone.
I go out either because being at home makes me feel very very lonely and poor, or I am going out with someone who makes me feel special.

Dubai is hello or goodbye.
I arrived at the airport five months ago, and the bright bright lights welcomed me at 5 AM. Hello, Dubai!
And after that day, I've always said hello to everyone and everything that has come my way.
But if something is not meant to be, I let go. Right then and there. Goodbye.
In this place, holding on to someone or something is suicide. There is no "See you around".
Hello, you're with me, you're ok, let's get together!
Goodbye, let's not see each other again, I had fun, thanks!

Dubai is you or me.
Survival of the fittest, of the ones with the strongest stomachs, fastest runners, most beautiful people.
If you belong somewhere below the margin, then you suffer.
I am not obliged to pull you up.

Can Dubai ever be colorful and forgiving and friendly?
"You and me" sounds so much better

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