Thursday, August 03, 2006

California Angels

At 12 midnight I was sulking,
I didn't know what was wrong with me.
I was thinking maybe I was just dehydrated,
or a little depressed because of my work situation,
or just bored out of my skull.
I opened my Yahoo Messenger,
praying so hard there'd be someone to save me
from completely losing it.

Reiziel and Jaja went online and I soared.
It's not that I wasn't in the mood for baklaan,
more than anything else I really wanted to cheer up and banter with them.
But I also know that they're people who will understand me,
working in a foreign land, young, struggling and (surprise) beautiful...
So I went ahead and asked for advice from them.
And they both had very strong statements that I secretly embraced before,
not telling anyone because I might get slapped for being "stupid".
Turned out, stupid was not the right word.
Brave. Resilient. Hell to the world. I will not settle.

Jaja had a very interesting opinion on work.
"If you're not happy, fuck it!"
Yeah. That's what I'd been wanting to shout into everyone's face!
And she said it (well, typed it) and I wanted to give her a big hug for that.
I need support from people who think like me.
And she's gotta be one of the strongest women I know.
But no, she's not a slob. She's gonna be somebody.
Because she has goals. She knows where she's going.

Now Reiziel was always the sweet girl in college who wouldn't harm a fly.
And she was a princess, really.
She said it was ok to date while jobless,
and I shouldn't feel guilty.
If anything, I should be thankful that at least one person is making me happy,
then it's not so bad at the end of the day.
As long as that person gives me moral support and
understands me completely, I have every right to see him.
And she should know, because she'd been there.

And then for the first time in days I slept a little longer,
a little more peaceful, knowing that I'm not alone in this struggle,
this struggle is not stupid, and we are all going through the same thing.

California angels helping a distressed Dubai dork with her career and love woes.
How cool is that?

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