Sunday, August 13, 2006

I was talking to Richie this evening, and I actually missed him.

I was trying to think, maybe it was the flowers that nailed it.
Or the fact that he keeps me company through email every day, and work has seemed easier since.
Or the open invitation to coffee, anytime, anywhere.

And he always has this sense of calmness. When I'm tensed or upset, he shows up and I'm OK.
Maybe it's because of his funny face? Nah, he looks nice most of the time.
He just manages to lower his voice and be his usual chatty self.
Not to say that he's complacent. He's very cautious about the way he acts when we're out together. He doesn't want to disrespect me in any way and wants me to feel comfortable around him.

And when we spend time together, we really talk. A man who talks and listens is a rare breed, but I have yet to find out if he really listens. I'll give him a pop quiz next week.
"How did I feel about you being blah blah...?" Hahaha that would freak out any man, but maybe not him. He'd just laugh it off or wrap it up with a "bloody" comment.
And I'm actually starting to have fun with him.

I was thinking, nah, it's awkward to date outside my race, and maybe this guy's not really serious, and maybe he was just trying to see if I was up for it or not...
Surprisingly he has stayed. Interesting.

I'm not publishing this so he'd stay forever --- haha that's scary --- but I just thought I'd let him know about these things I've never told him before. Because I know he reads my blog!
Someone taking his time to read my blog to know me more and appreciate my writing makes me feel like a star.

So there. He's almost finsihed reading this.

But if he missed this, that's his problem!!! I'm NOT going to write about this again.

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