Thursday, March 08, 2007

coffee, women, instinct, truth

Last night I had coffee with Sherry and Ethel and I liked our exchange of insights and I was inspired to do the right thing. I always need a good push to do something that requires strength and courage, and I think I got a pretty good one last night. The best one was about women’s instincts. If a woman has a bad feeling about something or someone, it’s probably right. Instinct is a gift from God and shouldn’t be ignored, but used and oftentimes heeded.

While I cannot say I’ve been perfect, I know that I’ve been true. And I’m holding on to the truth in my heart whatever happens, and will not believe other’s truths. They’re not mine, for one thing, and more importantly, only my truth matters. And that’s really all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less.

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