Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I haven't written in ages.
I've been exhausted from work.
Which is good.
Busy is good.
Idle is eeeevil.

I must have spoken to a hundred different strangers this week, some of them very interesting.
Like the one who arranged for an interview with Mr. Max Clifford, PR god.
He made The Beatles sheikhs of rock and roll, among his successes.
And tomorrow I get to meet THE ONE, Thomas Lundgren.
I asked Greg if I could tag along with him and he said OK. Love it!

Actually I'm loving the business program.
I got a Creative MP3 player (1GB) from a guest we had, Mr. Halabi, just because we interviewed him.
Such a courteous man, and he saves the earth too!
He owns a water desalination plant.
What else? Hmmmm well I've steered away from the really important issues in my life.
I just want to concentrate on work for now, and it needs my efforts the most because we've just launched.

I attended pilates classs lat night, and I was inspired by this middle-aged local, Mohammed, who apparently attends all classes when he can.
He wobbles and falls down and can't balance, and in aero class he just can't keep up, but he keeps on attending the classes, whether he's improving or not.I believe he will.
I know he will. He's just really happy to be working out and sweating, and that's OK.
Perfectly fine.
I walked home singing a tacky version of Emotions by BeeGees, and the wind was just amazing.
It's officially winter.
I slept like a baby last night, in my satin pyjamas and next-to-nothing tank top.

I might be uber busy for the next couple of days.

No worries, as long as I continue to work out, get my 8 hours of sleep, read my favorite books, and have two days off, everything should be all right, if not better.

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