Saturday, May 13, 2006


This is Mary Wollstonecraft, a not-so-famous writer in the 18th century.
Normally I would completely ignore anything that has to do with this era,
but this woman is different.
Being one of the earliest feminists in the world,
it took real courage and conviction in one's belief to carry out her vocation.
I am not really interested in feminism, but the concept that sprouted from it...
What is free love?
It's an alternative to (or a means to destroy) marriage, and this mostly favors women.
It pushes for self-ownership and non-binding relationships and therefore
prevents "the annihilation of women" brought about by marriage.
Furthermore, she argued that that many children are born into unloving marriages out of compulsion, but should instead be the result of choice and affection — yet children born out of wedlock did not have the same rights as children with married parents.
Sounds logical.
"Today, she is celebrated for her early advocacy of women's equality and rationality, and for arguing against the degradation and subjugation of women justified by the 'arbitrary power of beauty'."
Now how cool is she.

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