Thursday, May 11, 2006


Everyone is a hypocrite.
And whoever says he isn't is just, well, a righteous sonuvagun.
If you think a hypocrite is as simple as the "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude, better check out the link above.
There 4 kinds of hypocrites, according to it.
And I was not suprised when I found out that I was one of the worst:

Dishonest internal hypocrites: stated beliefs are consistent with actions but actual internal beliefs are not. They are often people pleasers with weak convictions.

When I read this, I couldn't be happier, because, the above is the only kind of hypocrisy that makes mention of the intention to make others happy.
At the expense of....myself!
Am I on my way to self-destruction?

Well, also, it's also interesting that when I told my friend Wyson (or Wizzieroo as I fondly call her), all she said was there were no hard and fast rules to live our lives.

Translation: I am a hypocrite and it really doesn't matter.

Another point for my self-esteem.

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