Tuesday, May 16, 2006


This was the note Martha Huber wrote to Mary Alice. This is also the reason why Mary Alice committed suicide. Oh God. If Mary Alice only knew that it only took some chinaware and water/electricity receipts to zip Martha's mouth. Well, too late.

Blackmailing is not uncommon in the world. We have done it at least once in our lives, regardless of our fear of its repercussions and its impact on others' lives.

If I were an evil person, I would really tell the world about others' misbehavior. I would tell everyone else how bad some people have become and how they lose their conscience once the sun sets. They claim to lose control in the dark, when no one is watching them. But when the sun rises again, they dust off their sins and win the crowd with their pleasant smiles. Perfect.

But for those who witness their sins again and again, it is revolting. I am not washing my hands clean of this. I am clearly involved. But I feel no guilt, as I think there is nothing wrong with participating in something that I think is not wrong for me to do. However, I know that by agreeing, I am condoning this. So I know where I stand. I am not going to tell, because if I did, I would also turn myself in.

Yes, if I were an evil person I would push them to the worst world they have NEVER known --- a social and psychological inferno that would tear them apart and make them eat their nasty words and wish they were never born. They would feel shame eating them alive, destroying every single reason to save their faces.

But I am not evil. And I take responsibility for my own actions. What I am doing right now are wishing this would be over soon, and hoping that I could start over. Not very easy, but that's the price of not being evil. Not necessarily good, but trying to make up for the wrong things I have done. Not out of guilt, but to avoid being with the same people in that inferno. I've had about enough of their rotten company.

P.S. If I didn't have PMS I'd never have written this.

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