Thursday, February 01, 2007

weekend, shit ends

Thank God it’s Thursday, and thank God I’m still alive.
It’s been such a long week, and I badly wanted the weekend to come around and save me from all stress and brain damage.
I have been sleeping uncomfortably the whole week and feeling very sluggish in the morning, waking up just minutes before my lift arrives.
And I have been obsessing about whether I want to see Guillaume or not, and thinking if he’s thinking of the same thing, because I’m pretty sure we both get the feeling we’re getting too close for comfort. Let him make his crepes and I’ll spend time alone or with my girlfriends, reading tarot cards or declaring karaoke nights or lounging around eating lard.
I am getting a haircut and the last thing I want to happen is look like a brown siopao in a foreign land.
I am doing the groceries and vowed to revise my shopping list. As much as possible, if I can afford it, I won’t get instant noodles and canned tuna and other bad stuff and then feel bad every lunch time for the rest of the month.

By the way I had an interesting evening two nights ago. Sherry and I were eating in a quaint Japanese restaurant on Sheikh Zayed, and at the end of our dinner, before we could even burp and upon asking for the check, a guy came up to me and said it had been paid for --- he paid for our sushi. Why would anyone pay for our sushi? Anyway we thanked him and left the restaurant. However weird and potentially dangerous that incident was, I felt attractive even in my lola outfit and forced cheerfulness.

Got an email from Terri today and it’s nice to know that someone close to my heart is reading my blog. Terri and I have had very intimate conversations a couple of times when I was still in Manila and she was there for a visit, and though we rarely got together, we always found our dates to be timely --- the same things happened to us and we felt the same things at the same time.

Oh well. Wish me a nice weekend and a fabulous hair cut.

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