Monday, October 05, 2009

My favorite quotes from Flight of the Conchords

Eugene the Landlord: I'm going to give you a month to pay me
Bret: Can we pick which month?
Eugene the Landlord: No

Murray: How do you think you get to be "sold out." It's the small venues. It's a trick. It's an old trick.
Bret: Jemaine, I don't think we're going to get sex and get paid.
Jemaine: Why not?
Bret: 'Cause we never get sex or get paid.

Murray: I'm so angry, I feel like swearing.
Bret: Oh, Murray, you wouldn't swear at us.
Murray: Go f**k yourself Bret!

Mel: Does... does Bret's girlfriend look anything like me? A bit?
Murray: A little bit. 'Round the eyes.
Mel: Oh yeah? Big eyes, huh
Murray: Well she's... she's got eyes.

Bret: What happened with the gig at the aquarium?
Murray: It was kind of a misunderstanding. Um, there was a typo in the ad. It was 'Sand' they wanted. Sand. You know the wavy font, it looks like a 'B' but it was an 'S'. But I sent the demo. The good new is that they liked it, they might play it in the lobby.
Jemaine: Yeah, well, that's positive

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