Sunday, April 02, 2006


Machismo is a noun of Spanish origin, and refers to a prominently exhibited or excessive masculinity. The word machismo—and its derivatives machista and macho, "he who espouses machismo"—comes from the Spanish word macho, meaning "male" or "manly". (The word macho literally translates as "male", but is applied primarily to animals in this sense.) In Spanish macho can sometimes mean "courageous" or "valorous", although machista rarely has such positive connotations.

As an attitude, machismo ranges from a personal sense of virility to a more extreme masculism. Most machistas believe in conservative gender role ideas. Generally speaking, machistasmachistas also believe it is their right as men to seek extramarital adventures, although women are to remain faithful. Machistas believe that women were created to stay home and be mothers and wives. Thus, most machistas believe firmly in the superiority of men over women.

Some acts of domestic violence against women have been committed by men who consider themselves superior to women, whereby the doctrine of machista such violence may often be called appropriate or justified.

Testosterone poisoning refers to those aspects of male behavior regarded as harmful or humorous and allegedly caused by an excess of the androgen testosterone. The phrase has won broader and more serious acceptance than typical slang. Several readers submitted "testosterone poisoning" to a 2001 Atlantic Monthly competition to find a male equivalent for hysteria (which was originally regarded as a female-only condition). 1

Despite its continued ability to offend a few, the expression "testosterone poisoning" appears to have established itself in a mere twenty years. Its acceptance may result from how, unlike previous terms for men originating from the feminist movement, references to testosterone poisoning concern not the battle of the sexes but the ways men defeat themselves.


It's either you teach yourself to love an effeminate guy,
or outsmart the macho man.
Decisions, decisions!

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