Sunday, April 02, 2006

one angry P.S.

just a thought before leaving the office.

to women who want to marry,
how sure are you that your future husbands
will not get tired of you and go off
with another girl and abandon you family?

how sure are you that marriage is the ultimate
measure of security that a woman needs in order
to end her feelings of emptiness and purposeless-ness?

how sure are you that in the future when you
are old and gray, he will not make a move on a
woman as young as your own daughter?

how sure are you that he will be a great dad,
that someday he will not make a move on
your own daughter?

how sure are you that the house he built for you
and the kids will stand the storms and heat?

how sure are you that I LOVE YOU will come easy
once you're living together and forced to sleep in the same bed
every.single.night... drool and all.

how sure are you that you even want to get married?

ok i know all dreamy-eyed women in seemingly perfect
relationships are ready to kill me now.

sorry i couldn't resist posting this.
i know it's stupid.
my urge to share my thoughts, it's like
my version of guys' testosterones.

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