Tuesday, April 04, 2006

madly freeversing against you

i don't know why you're looking down on me, as i am up here shaking my head at you. you have been so unkind, flexing your muscles in my face, telling tales of braveness from your past, your index finger on your lips when i begin to speak. you brought this up and now you're running from it, like you never had anything to do with this. well, i am embracing this beautiful mess, because it brings out your ugliness. and i emerge the victor. ideas, ideas. filthy me for being a woman. and mighty you for being a man. well, mighty funny you're still thinking like that at this day and age. and i go around looking for solutions while you go around looking for someone else. i knew you were of THAT kind of species. but YOU didn't know what i was made of. and when you finally see the light, i'm off educating another macho shithead.

1 comment:

AmitL said...

Hi,Zeena..welcome to our Dubai Bloggers Group..nice blog u've got,and nice to see a smiling face.:)I do wonder what brought on this particular post against someone from u?:)(http://amitsmusings.rediffblogs.com)