Monday, April 09, 2007

Little Miss Can't-Miss-Anything

Ethel commented on our restlessness. We’re sooo… out and about, just thinking about what we do for a whole week, even on a weekend, made her tired. I said I wanted to drown myself in things before loneliness caught up on me. She advised me to say no more, learn to shake my head and just stay home in solitude. I dismissed her advise, saying that YES was a very powerful word, and it can take me places. Many opportunities are waiting to be seized, by agreeing to go some place, meet someone, do something. And then she said… “You should also understand that it’s okay to miss things”… because missed opportunities will always be replaced. Don’t force the time, the place, the person.
Powerful powerful words that I’d like to remember and take with me wherever I go. Together with Colin’s “You have to choose to be happy” and Craig’s “Men are bastards”, Ethel’s “It’s ok to miss things” is now a tool for me to become better, wiser, less tired and with more money (saying yes to everything CAN be expensive).

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