Thursday, June 29, 2006


Tonight I must have cried three times.
After a long monotonous day at work, I went straight to my friend's house and we talked about things that mattered a lot to us. I could not help but feel overwhelmed.
There were sadness, happiness, fear, uncertainty and a million other emotions that were racing to hit my tearducts and make me burst into big fat tears.

It's true that when you lose something, you gain something else.
Well, if I were to gain his love and support over and over again, let me lose everything I've got. His ever-present concern for me is enough to make us survive this place, where people can eat me alive.

It's also true that if things are not meant for me to have, then I won't have them.
But I know exactly what I deserve. A decent lifestyle.

A nice place to live in. Check!
Good jobs. Shit.
Go out and meet new people. Check!
Time to relax and have fun. Two-day weekends. Shit.
Nice dinners. Check!
Home cooked food. Shit.

Lots more.
I'll turn all the shits into checks soon, I swear.
But for now let me wipe my tears.

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