Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Too much

I think I'm too much of a pleaser and giver. Sometimes I say yes without even thinking, and that gets me into trouble. On any given day at any given time, I'm always suppoed to be in at least two places.

I have dinner with A but am scheduled to talk on the phone with B. Now C is a little early, so I have to cut the dinner with A short. Now D wants me to come over to her house because it's her sister's birthday.

BY the end of each week I am broke and tired and when I finally hit the bed, lonely and alone.

Not that I force myself to do these things. I just like to be around my friends. And it would break my heart to displease anyone. Anyone.

Plus I'm struggling with my weight right now. I can't always eat out and hang out eating lard off my Starbucks hot chocolate and stop working out because I have to be somewhere with someone, or else I'd feel bad.

Lose-lose situation. I choose to stay home at work out, I get lonely. I choose to hang out, I get fat. Fat, lonely, I don't know which one is worse. If only lose-lose situations can make you lose weight, I'd become the biggest loser of them all.

Let's see how it goes.

(Lightbulb moment!)
Hey, maybe spreading myself too thinly can actually make me thin.

(And vanish into thin air.)

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