Monday, November 16, 2009

Satruday Night

I have been watching the HBO Sports series in the build up to the Manny Pacquiao - Miguel Cotto fight.
Each fighter's story was told with so much depth that it succeeded in touching my heart.
I was moved to tears.
One of the most memorable things that were said in the series was this:

Long after Saturday night, what would be remembered?
How many years they lived?
How many rounds they fought?
Or what happened in that small handfull of moments that really mattered?

For the two boxers, Saturday night was the big fight.
It could mean a different thing to every person.
Could be the night they won the lottery, met their spouse, or had that life-changing hair cut.
I've had so many memorable Saturday nights, with handfulls of moments that brought happiness and sadness in my life.
Some of them I chose to bury deep in my pocket, some I still hold in my hand.

I once told a person that Saturday is for lovers.
Now I realize it's not really that exclusive.
It's for those who wish to beat the doldrums and do something bold.
And I hope that I will soon have an eventful Saturday night to shake up my life.


aimee rabago said...

No worries... we will have our "Saturday Night" one day... Hopefully sooner rather than later. =)

Zeena said...

Aims when im back lets do something super stupid on a Saturday night lang. Umayon man lang sa mga pinagsusulat ko. ok? Love yah!

aimee rabago said...

Yeah yeah yeah! let's do that! =) Can't wait for you to get here! =) Muwah!