Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is There An Easy Way To Do Anything?

Last year I received this book as a present, and I didn't really bother to read it.
Until recently.
Someone swore by the book, saying he quit smoking right after he put the book down.
He said it uses the principles of hypnosis and is guaranteed to make even the worst chain smoker refuse to light up again.
The author, Carr, was a long-time chain smoker, consuming as many as 100 cigarettes a day.
The book is pretty easy on the reader.
It says I can even smoke away while flipping its pages.
The important thing is to read it from cover to cover.
And then it's up to me.
The reason my copy had been lying around the flat collecting dust for over a year is simple.
I didn't want to quit.
I was enjoying it.
I loved it.
But as my lungs and other body parts showed symptoms of defiance and disagreement with my mentality, I realized that maybe it was time to get rid of the magic stick.
The moment I opened the book, I got really scared.
What if I was fated to end up as one of the few who didn't give up after reading the book?
Would that mean I'm a hopeless loser?
What if my nicotine addiction is greater than my will power?
What if in the end, I choose to accept the fact that the world is twisted, that authorities choose to sleep with tobacco corporations and the consumers are willing victims of this whole shit?
What if the book doesn't work on me?
But all my what ifs will be assuaged onlly if I try it out.
And that's exactly what I am doing right now.
Maybe I was sick in the head all this time, and it's time to repair my brain.
And maybe the book will help.
If not with my smoking, maybe with other areas of my life.
That's how you learn about yourself right?
Try it out.
And all the what ifs and maybes will go away, no matter how things turn out.
Try it out.
Ok time for a fag.


aimee rabago said...

SO what now? Have you read the book or what?! It didnt work coz you haven't quit? did the book work or not? I DON'T GET IT. LOL

Zeena said...

I have started reading it but have't finished it. So I won't find out until I've read the last page if it really works. I still smoke but I hope to quit. My hopes are high but let's see where my hopes take me. Bitch.

aimee rabago said...

Hahaha@Zeena... okay okay so say that next time when you write your we won't have to read between the context clues and shit.LOL

I can't think smart all the time, sometimes i just want to read and not absorb anything...LOL

pltn said...

I believe in you! You can stop your everyday blow job of your small nicotinic monster! :)