Sunday, October 21, 2007

I spent four hours in French Connection alone yesterday.
I had my afternoon coffee, a big meal, and an even bigger appetite for pouring out my thoughts.
I wrote in my journal and was able to fill 20 pages. 20 pages of botteld up emotions, random thoughts, self-justification, things to do, things I have done, things I will never do, things I wanted to mention but didn't have any significance in my life whatsoever.
I wrote with absolutely no regard for grammar and no courtesy for others.
The moment was mine and the pen was my servant.
At 4 PM I stood up, paid my bill and walked on Sheikh Zayed like I used to do when I still lived in Satwa.
It was the best walk I had in months.
It was an aimless walk that, ironically, inspired me to think.

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