Saturday, June 16, 2007

another one about racism

I have been watching videos about racism in Eurpoe and the US.
I can't seem to understand what some people's reasons are for being racists, for hating a fellow human being just because of the color of his skin.

Not only hating, but harming them. Physically, mentally, emotionally.
I had a chat with a friend a few weeks ago and he told me that a few years ago, he had a falling out with an American friend who ruined his reputation and his life essentially. As a consequence his confidence diminished and he now stutters when he talks to native English speakers. Hmmm. I suppose the similar thing happened to me. I was so full of hope when I first went here, only to find out that racism was still alive, and it looks like it's here to stay.

In restaurants, in parking lots, in malls. I just recently attended a formal gathering where I was the only brown person in the room. I felt a bit uneasy and went home immediately.

I am pretty sure that when I finally learned how the world goes round here in Dubai, I lost something that I can only regain when the situation changes. Thank God I have not lost hope yet, and that's a huge thing. It means I can still look forward to better days. I can still find reason to wake up and allow myself to dream.

I feel like all the confidence I gained where I come from is lost and will never be found. I just need to start again and see what happens.

Either way, failure is not an option. Fuck fear. Forward, always forward.

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