Tuesday, January 31, 2006


i have been watching desperate housewives and i find myself in every lead character.
i am a little bit of susan, who does stupid things and hopes to be rescued by her true love.
i am little bit of lynette, who is frank, rational, and finds herself exhausted almost everyday but loves what she does.
i am a little bit of gabrielle, who hates the idea of having in-laws, doesn't want to have children and finds a way to get what she wants --- usually material things.
i am a little bit of bree, who likes to be in control, doesn't like to be comforted, and uses vengeance to hide her emotions.
and finally, i am a little bit of mary alice, who had a secret she had been hiding when she was still alive. she seemed pretty and perfect and nice, and her only flaw was something she could not disclose even to her friends.

and just like these desperate women, i hate the likes of mrs martha hubert, a righteous old maid who does blackmailing for her pasttime, and edie britt, an insecure bombshell who can be one reason why husbands get tired of their wives.

another thing i realized from watching DH? i don't think i want to get married. of course that's subject to change, but right now, i just want to think that one benefit of being single is the freedom to be insane, not accountable for anything as important as a family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a lot like Bree.. but then I'm a man... hehe.. wish I had the chance to meet you when I was in Manila last December..