Saturday, August 04, 2012

A must for dairy-free dieters...and wannabes like me!

I didn't think it was possible for the the universe to come up with such a brilliant invention.

People like me who try so hard to live a healthy life but are easily tempted by the demons of the food world deserve a break. And not by having a KitKat.

I came across this brand when I was getting provisions for the dinner party I was in charge of. I was going to make caramelized banana with vanilla ice cream.

This is what I ended up buying. Gluten, cholesterol and dairy free. No genetically modified ingredients. Made with real raspberries and soy milk.
Creamy, smooth, versatile. It sits perfectly on top of the caramelized banana, like it was in the original recipe. It's ice cream. Just not the sinful kind.

And our guests LOVED it. Bonus: It's easy on the pocket. It's not going to cost you an arm, but it'll preserve it by helping you avoid diabetes, a gross and fatal disease that sometimes causes people to get their aims amputated. Yes, I came up with that 360 degree insight.

Aaaaanyway, thank God for Swedish Glace!

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