Wednesday, March 08, 2006

borderless society?

that girl who wrote that speech about a borderless society...
the world? a borderless society?
going overseas made me realize that the whole world is
underhandedly manipulated by a caste system
that developed intricately over the centuries.
and the modern day version of it is saddening.

you think you're the most beautiful girl in the world?
be careful with your choice of words.
"world" is a big word.
in the world, where do you really belong?
come out of your shell and find out.

1 comment:

± said...

though i did not miss the dig on 'concise';-)

yes, we all need to move out of our cocoons to see the real world. otherwise we shall become like americans. unaware of a world that exists outside of ours...

and you dont have to say thanks. all i did was hear you. if that made you feel better it was not big deal anyways...

Cher up

