Wednesday, March 22, 2006

hangover blah blahs

lately the people i have been conversing with have either inquired about my opinion on marriage, or have maneuvered in the direction that led me to "voluntarily" divulge my disinterest in being tied down.

well, i once had a dream of being married, having white picket fences, sharing a pitcher of orange juice in the yard with the kids and my husband. In short, I wanted to be the perfect wife.

well. i guess i said goodbye to that dream. i realized that having a family is not a priority. I want to meet lots of people and travel and really LIVE.

last night while waiting for my laundry to finish i had a very interesting conversation with our housemate mike, over a couple of breezers and good wine. our talk lasted for 3 hours, and if i weren't about to drop dead from sleepiness, i'd have stayed longer for a few more glasses of wine. personal opinions on sociopolitical issues. the importance of creativity. the lack of it dubai. people in general. life. his marriage. my hair!

i realized, i can have a million conversations like this with many interesting people all over the world, and honestly, right now, that sounds much more exciting than the picture of my future family in a big home.

i can temporarily own picket fences and white sheets and a person's attention for a night. own children for a day, have a few drinks with a stranger the next.

ok maybe in time i will want a family to go home to, but right now i'm a happy nomad.


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