Monday, February 15, 2010

I just realized that if I want to buy my dream house as soon as possible, I would have to win the lottery or come up with a really ingenious idea or an awesome invention that will serve all industries on the planet.
The Phillips Curve says that inflation in inversely proportional to unemployment.
If the unemployment rate is high, prices drop. Property, groceries, petrol.
But most people will not have the money to purchase anything at all because they don't have jobs.
If the unemployment rate is low, meaning most people have jobs and are able to pay their bills.
But if this Phillips guy is to be believed, their bills will be jacked up and they will won't be able to save much.
Hmmm. I would rather remain employed and afford certain luxuries and keep a little extra than be a bum and have nothing at all.
The best thing to do is cook up crazy ideas, and hope that one of them will be a big hit.
Big enough to get me out of this asylum we call the workforce.
And then I can cross out the "dream" in my dream house.

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