Monday, February 08, 2010

February kicked in just fine for me.
I paid off my bills, did several short pieces to camera, and welcomed opportunities for professional growth.
Not bad if you asked me.
And I am not going to end with this month.
These are my hey days.
These years could pass me by and I wouldn't know what happened.
It's very challenging for me to accomplish my goals, because of several things.
Financial constraints.
Limited time.
Oh I hate doubts.
If I am going to do something, I should just go ahead and do it and forget about what other people might say, or how things will turn out.
I sometimes try to imagine what it would be like to know that you are dying soon.
If I had little time left on this planet, I would give myself the go signal to do things I never thought I would even try.
And then my senses come alive and suddenly I want to sing and dance and rap and love and eat that damn donut.
And then my doubts disappear and I just want to do things like a maniac.
And then, I clasp my hands together and thank God I am alive.
Ten fingers, ten toes, a brain and a heart.
And the doubts vanish into thin air.
And February simply won't suck.

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