Sunday, February 07, 2010

Bad Day?

Ok just when I thought I had a really nice day at work, the car made a funny sound just as I was reversing it in the parking lot. I had to change it with the help of Roy and go to the petrol station alone to have it vulcanized. That was a bit stressful.

On the way home, I imagined myself sinking slowly in a bath tub frothing with cherry blossom bubbles to the brim and enjoying a glass of wine. But I snapped out of it when the songs I had been avoiding to hear played on the radio like a feel-bad playlist dedicated to me. Okay.

It went on and on for the rest of the evening that I had to say a little prayer to help me keep bad vibes at bay and focus on the one thing that was left to look forward to tonight: a long, deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Obviously that hasn't happened yet. I am still furiously typing this.

Hopefully it will, in a few minutes.

1 comment:

pltn said...

hope finally you have a sweet dreams now :)