Saturday, December 03, 2005

my scans by the black eyed printscanner

whatcha gonna do with all that scans?
im gonna cc cc them, cc them to EPs now!

i go to work on sunday
i have to coz i get paid
to scan the sunday paper
but i can do that later

first ill check my blog, blog
checking out the tags, tags
coz im a PC hog, hog
and no one else is here to say

"can i check my email?
check my check my email?"
you can check but you can't type
coz if you type
i'll get a boljak
no no boljak, you don't want no boljak
nono boljak, you don't want no boljak

so don't push away my chair, boy
you're busy, i don't care, boy
i'm just trying to work, boy
and do my scans

my scans
my scans, my scans, my scans
my scans, my scans, my scans
my giant broadsheet scans
EPs, check 'em out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You gots some Ball,Jack! uh-huh, uh-huh!