Sunday, June 07, 2009

So random.
Aegis songs.
Jumbo Hotdog.

It's like that one night with Ria on Jupiter Street.
Music 21 from 9 PM til 6 AM.
We had half a case of Red Horse.
And chugged down a bottle of Chocolait for breakfast.

Or like that nice evening on the beach.
Mindoro sling, pot.
High school kids.
Friendship bracelets.

Or like that eventful day in the heart of Manila.
Karting race.
Eastwood dinner.

Random things are always fun.
But to end up being a random person in some random place is not.
I like things to start out randomly, as in that movie Serendipity.
But I would like to see things fall in place eventually.
That's what makes randomness amazing.
When the craziest circumstances lead you to something that will change your life.

So if something totally out of this world happens to you and it really hasn't made a difference...
It's just a badly written part in your autobigoraphy and you should just tear it out because it's irrelevant.


pltn said...

I like your flashbacks :)

Zeena said...

Thank you. I hope you can imagine them! They were one of the best moments in my life.

Cecille Cruz Nepomuceno said...

i can imagine them! and i can relate with your mindoro sling moment.

Zeena said...

Hi Ces! Hahahaha Mindoro Sling? Yun ba yung with your ex before?