Sunday, June 07, 2009

Ok a lot of things have changed since I left Manila.
Terri is getting married in December.
That is a milestone, because she is the first in our group to get hitched, and I can't wait to wear a nice dress and hug her on her wedding day.
Will the Gigs prepare a dance number, like what we did at Charm's 18th birthday party?
I remember wearing a Coca Cola shirt that I bought in Divisoria, plus a thick vest and a bonnet.
hahahaha. Yuck.
I am guessing that my friend Charm will be the next one to say "I do".
I'm happy to wear nice dresses and witness how true love is sealed and celebrated.
But I don't think I will get married soon.
I am happy to go through that "Always a bridesmaid" phase and drink lots of champagne.

Ok Terri getting married. What else?
Hmmm Wyson falling in love.
Why the hell not?
I think she is a great woman and the man she is in love with is nothing but lucky.
Wyson is beauty and brains and happiness personified.
I wonder what's been happening to her?
She used to make fun of me when we were in fourth grade.
All the way until we were in college.
I used to drool on her shoulder in the FX on the way to Cubao, and she used to poke my urinary gland with sharp pencil to see if I could stand "pee pressure" on Taft Avenue.

Ok Wyson getting married.
What else? Kath has a boyfriend!
Yay! I love Kath.
Hmmm I think Carlo is her perfect match.
They look good together and they always have lots of fun.
Plus they're both funny.
I would like to validate that statement in our blue book (Kath, insdie joke).
So does that mean that Kath will not say "Tado" ever again?
Or maybe she'll say it to Carlo when they have petty fights.
By all means.

I love change.
It's challenging.
Either you cope or you're out.
Or you stay at home and wish you'd die.
I love change.

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