Sunday, February 26, 2006

zeena zalamea...does the name ring a bell?

today fifi and i went to media city and met some respected filipinos.
very impressive.
mr. art salinel, a bigshot marketing guy at the
filipino channel took us out for lunch in one of the
nice buildings in media city. we had mcdonalds.

we left media city to go to sheikh zayed road, to meet my orgmate eve.
on the way, i enjoyed my little talk with the taxi driver.
fifi was smirking at me for being such a liar.
i told the driver that we were celebrities in the philippines,
and that we were doing a world tour.
before we reached dubai, we had gone to france, italy and 6 other countries.
i said we went to media city to sign autographs.
the driver was from bombay india, so i said next month we would be in bombay for a show.
i said i had two children, and fifi would get married next month.

the driver's name was adel.
adel. our first fan in dubai.

fifi asked why i was so confident all the time.
why i had to make sure i dressed well even at the mall.
i said looking confident is one of the ways to earn respect.
first impressions last. and i can attest to that.

but suppose people do not care about appearance.
what matters next?
easy. courtesy.
we have spoken to a few filipinos here, and most of them have responded positively.
some of them have snobbed us, and that's how we knew there were two kinds of pinoys here.
we certainly do not want to be included in the latter.

so confidence and courtesy, i believe, will take us places.
places we never imagined.

and of course we need a few hundred dirhams.
taxi fares are very expensive here.
right, eve?


Anonymous said...

zinch!!! ang galing. you're blog is so nice and entertaining. it was nice talking to you. hope you're having fun tonight. mwah!!!

Anonymous said...

Lavetttt Zinzin! Isa kang alamat! I have been reminded of something important today after reading your blog. Sometimes you have to lie and see how people will react to what you've just said and it's even more interesting when they seem to believe you. I also practice that once in a while...with matching poker face para mas credible! :-) Dorotea

Zeena said...

doris, haha true sarap lang gawin yun lagi noh? whether they believe me or not, the more impt thing is that i believe that someday my lies will eventually become the truth. haha masama ba yun?