Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Google Me

I just discovered that if you googled me, all my Tweets, blog posts, stand up comedy videos, idly written comments on various websites and profile on all networking sites turn up - all in between my online resume, work videos and sites that mention my work.

I am very careful when writing something which is not work-related online, but my opinions and story-telling are too much information for potential employers.

And I have not idea how to clean up my act on the world wide web. Apparently typing and clicking are not the only skills one has to have in order to use the web properly.

Sorry Mike Sorrentino, but this is The Situation.

I realized that since finding this out, I've become more cautious when expressing my thoughts and insights on any website, even this precious blog of mine. If I eventually learned to edit my Google results, I would be faced with a dilemma: do I really want to hide my blog from people? Nobody reads it at the moment but that is not the point. Do I want my Tweets to be read only by my followers? Most of them are US-based companies selling random stuff, but again that is not the point.

It would be horrible to worry about it all night. Well I don't have to, thanks to Sleep N Restore. Melatonin and Valerian will help me sleep like a baby in 5, 4, 3...


pltn said...

Haha :)
I felt the same when my father sad he search for my (and his of course) surname and find something about me. I dont asked what he find but delete or move to friends-only-access-mode most of my internet pages. And now i try not ot post anything with filthy language or abot alcohol or girls in public access.
By the way, Google starting service you could know anything about someone by his photo :)

Zeena said...

oh my gosh my prince. then what's the point of blogging and going on the internet? :P