Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Filipinos among world's heaviest smokers

Filipinos among world's heaviest smokers

This news is no surprise at all. Cigarettes are available everywhere.
They're cheap, they're marketed as a must-have cool accessory when going out, and tobacco companies have become innovative.
Marlboros now come in all colors and lengths and thickness, depending on people's mood and ages and what they want the world to see them as.
A stick of Philip Morris is the only thing you can buy with two pesos, and it lasts a while, giving the tired jeepney driver a much needed mini-break.

I'm a quitter. I've been one for a year now, and it feels good!
I no longer need a fag fix every three hours.
I don't include them in my daily budget anymore.
My gums look healthier and my face brighter.
My skin just looks so much better, and I smell fresher!

Many say it's so easy to get back into the habit, but I promise never to do it again.
It's the worst thing I can do to myself, especially now that I am no longer 23 years old.
And every time I experience the little wonders of being a non-smoker, I let out a long, big sigh of relief.
I'm able to, thanks to my clean lungs!

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