Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's funny that fate should make me wait eight months for something I never expected to happen.
In 8 months I rebuilt my confidence and started again, however painful it was.
I made new friends and learned a few things.
Kept some secrets and told some.
Desperately tried to forget with much effort.
And now it's in my face again, but everything else is different.
The backdrop, the music, the scent, the attitude.
Nevertheless, the person that has brought so many sensations -- most of them leaving me at his mercy -- has become my neighbor.
And there is no avoiding the situation.

I have never been to a hospital in Dubai.
Let alone an operation in this city.
And isn't it funny that the very person I was most scared of reappeared fom nowhere and offered to take care of me and relieve me of fear?

No wonder some people do drugs and become alcoholic.
While some of us can understand how fate twists the story, others can't quite handle reality and end up scratching their heads. Or has more than enough vodka.

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