Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Back to Basics

I spent my day very differently.
Idle. Careless. No time constraints.
My friend and I ate like pigs and drove aimlessly like two teenagers around Dubai.
For once, I saw Dubai as a place I can actually embrace as my own.
With the cool breeze and the friendly sun, an environment that required no pretenses and an intelligent person to talk to about anything and everything, I can say this has been one of the best days in my Dubai life.
We went to the beach and played the guitar, tested the waters (literally), and went for a walk against a backdrop of indigo skies and the sun setting ever so slowly.
It was a treat to find myself in a position wherein I didn't have to make snappy decisions, answer urgent phone calls, or worry about something.
It was as if spending the day with Wyson, only he didn't try to puncture my gall urinary bladder with a sharp pencil when I was desperate to pee and there was no toilet in sight, nor push me to a frat guy to invite a rumble.
But he did call me Zinny.
All the youth I missed rushed back into my soul and pulled me out of homesickness.
For a good eight hours I was Zinny, eighteen and free again.

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