Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I believe I vowed never to drink coffee, but the other day those Sumatra beans seduced me like they were Kobe Bryant scoring three for me.
Caffeine, adrenaline, all senses stimulated.
And I gave in, even though I knew what was going to happen to me in the next couple of days.
True enough, now my heart's jumping like the Venga Boys are coming, and that means I will have to forego a good night sleep.
But can I really give it up altogether? Like forever?
We're talking lots of decades more here.
Probably not.
Coffee brings a familiar warmth inside me.
Because when I was in college, my mom and the moms of my friends didn't give us "wine-and-dine" allowance.
We couldn't buy nice meals.
But we still got to hang out at lots of nice places.
We simply ordered instant coffee.
Nescafe 3-in-1, like it was the most delicious thing in the world.
Of course when we were at McDonalds the sundae beat it, but coffee is universally the safest and cheapest beverage on the menu that requires slow sipping, and must be coupled with a looong conversation.
Of course there's also tea, but Tulka voluntarily serves me three cups a day at work, and Fifi makes some for me after work that it just becomes my second water.
Coffee has become a novelty for me.
How about that.
Years ago it was my only choice.
And I've upgraded to aged Sumatra. And it smells like heaven.
How things quickly turn around.

1 comment:

fifi gurl said...

Well if its Sumatra beans for you layds, for me its Ali Cafe (with Ginseng)! Hahahaha! I just love mentioning the "Ginseng" part!