Thursday, May 13, 2010

Had a great night with the ladies.
You know who you are, if you're ever visiting my blog. Wink wink.
Ok it was wine, gossip, a delicious meal that's a cross between soup and pasta, and lots of coffee.
Oh my God I just remembered how much I hate coffee.
I had two cups thinking was already immune to caffeine.
I slept at 6 Am.
I called up friends in Manila, talked to my mother, wrote poems and a song, made lists that practically planned my life for the next thirty years, and well, did an impression of Alicia Keys in the mirror.
So yeah I slept at 6Am.
And I'm wide awake and ready for wine again in the evening.
Is there such a thing as an addiction to cheap wine?
Because it really does make me happy.
Like a young provincial girl barely in her puberty secretly meeting her uncle's beer buddy in the corn field every other midnight.
It is both sick and exciting.
Perfect analogy for my thing for cheap wine.
I am sleepy as hell.


aimee rabago said...

Zeena, I miss you... come to Manila again and let's hang out... I have a problem... The married guy I was telling you about... He's so kulit but I seem to like the attention... ARgh!

Zeena said...

Aims that's really sad. It would be nice to listen to your stories, but I'm not really up for it. Save the married guy story for another friend. Kiss!

aimee rabago said...

you're a biatch!