Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I'm not well. I haven't been for the past week. I guess I was just in denial because I didn't want to miss dinners, karaoke dates, good stuff at work. But now the heat and my bad eating and drinking habits have taken a toll on my health,and I need to keep it in check. So I finally acknowledged that I am sick, and I am going to be better by the end of the day, Tomorrow, I will kick ass at work. I am looking forward to an evening of nothing. No karaoke, we're supposed to mourn the death of the ruler's brother.

Today I made a list of things to do, and I've checked almost half of them. I already washed my underwear (not the most fun on the list, for sure), cooked lunch for myself and Eve, swept the floor, cleaned the bathroom, shaved all unwanted hair, soaked my feet in this minty concoction, and had tea to aid my stupid indigestion.

I've realized that denial actually worsened my illness. I was sick and dehydrated but still went to Ajman and walked under the sun --- 45 degrees or higher --- for three, four hours. By the time I got home yesterday, I was vomiting and pooping and had a bad bad headache and felt my stomach contracting like crazy. Gross right?

Well, now I plan to get better. I want to end the work week with a bang, just like how I started it. I want to enjoy my weekend by making it well-deserved. More importantly, I'll try to enjoy it without drinking. Ok maybe a mojito to quench my thirst.

Plus I need to sleep. All the eye cream in the world will never be be good enough to replace 8 hours of sleep every day. I can't keep on living like a zombie. It's not right. It's messing up my brains and giving me headaches.

And I need to go out. See new places. I've been going to the same bars and coffee shops and restaurants and I need a change. Maybe that's what's making me feel sick. Sick and tired. I'm doing the same old thing, feeling the same old feelings, and chaining myseld to routine. Tsk tsk tsk.

Ok on the weekend, I will do something different. Maybe wear a wig, meet a new friend, or try new food.

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