Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This could be anything.
This could be just a temporary settlement.
This could be a test of my dwindling patience.
This could be the first date I wanted to have after a few hundreds in the past.
This could be a joke that I don’t get.
This could be a dirty idea that I never let go of.
This could be my bullfrog, so stop drinking it.
This could be a lot, so don’t let me keep you.
This could be one evening that will never happen again.
This could be your happiest moment. Well I hate it.
This could be your ego talking.
This could be my ego shutting your ego up.
This could be the guy I wanted to marry.
This could be the guy who wanted to sue me.
This could be the mall I wanted to shop in.
This could be the place I wanted to live in.
This could be the man who did me wrong.
This could be the ring tone that will save my life.
This could be the fancy car I will never ever ride.
This could be home, but I highly doubt it.
This could be you, only it’s me.
This could be anything.

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